27 December 2007

[535] UFO? - 2007/12/28 (Fri)

The lure of 'Yuuhou' (bwahahah) *

Fi, finally it's ready. Hosho's newest work, the so-called 'Yuuhou.' (^_^)

Yeah, someone out there has some good sense, huh? And no small amount of collaboration with me. (^_^)

This time, the motif is decisively 'dragon.'

Until now, when you mention dragon motif accessories, I can think of all kinds of examples, but they're all pretty much the same, and none of them really hit home.

But, as someone who visits the Kuzuryu Shrine every year without fail, I always wondered if there wasn't some must have item out there just for me. (^_^) **

For that reason, we made this with a design I was pleased with. (^_^)

When Hosho-san first saw the finished design, his face lit up, like, 'Wow, this is great, really, this is amazing!' and I forgot about the entire rest of my life. (^_^)

The 'Human' and 'Lily' goods will make you say, nice! but 'Yuuhou' ... is the best!!

You should definitely check the goods out at least once. Truly, this stuff is amazing.

Hosho-san, thank you for the lovely must-have item.

Everyone, may your fortune rise next year like the ascending dragon. (^_^)

Well then, I slowly return to my rest. (^_^) Only four days left in the year...

[ * i was wondering for the longest time what the hell he thought was so funny about this, until at last my synapses got up their ambition and crossed the vast distances to say a passing hello to one another in the inky void. yuu hou = yuu country. i'm pretty sure i have to own some of this stuff now. also, thanks to Emi, who pointed out the correct pronounciation of da goods. i love the font of info that is the readers of this blog. (^_^)
** the kuzuryu shrine, the shrine of the nine headed dragon, is that shrine he mentioned earlier this year with the torii gate standing out in the middle of the lake. something about it being a great place for a wedding, i think he said...

oh yeah, also. the email from yuu's BBS this afternoon was about a new line of accessories with clear crystals in them that started selling... today i think it said. bad me, i deleted the thing. ]


Anonymous said...

Hmm... Hosho san's new item is not pronounced masakuni but Yuuhou ^^ i've read it on the BBS, and plus, I guess it's a play word. Because it's a collaboration between You and Hosho. Yuu for You and Hou for Houshou.


Ally said...

I really enjoy the new pieces. Too bad their so expensive. =X Maybe I'll have to save up.

Ally said...

Ah, I didn't realize it until someone mentioned it above, but he's also making a pun with the post title.

UFO = Yuuhou in Japanese xD

meredeth said...

most of read UFO as three seperate letters, but some people pronounce it as a word, ufo, usually said, "yuu-foh." since japanese hasn't got an English F sound, they use their nearest equivalent, a sort of breathy H sound, "yuu-hoh" or yuuhou. took me a minute, too, as one of the U.F.O. sayers. (^_^)