21 December 2007

[527] Sweet Talk - 2007/12/20 (Thu)

The third question is, unreservedly, 'What perfume do you use?' (^_^)

On that particular day, I had used either Calvin or Bulgari, but more 80% Gaultier.

For things like that, you know, perfumes for men aren't very good. The aroma should give a sweet impression, but most of them have a nasty funk smell. (^_^)

Women's aromas are basically nice (^_^) and Gaultier is a lady's perfume, too.

My history with fragrance is really long! When I was in middle school, it was TakuText (bwahahah) oh and 8x4 (^_^) and when I was in high school, it was DUNE, and since I've become an adult, I've gotten into Eternity.

And Gaultier, well, isn't that a nice bottle? (^_^) Aromas that are sweet and elegant are good, of course, but this bottle caught my fancy right away. (^_^)

My hunch lately that my fragrance ha been a little devilish. (^_^) The other day, in the line at DonKi (^_^) with a catchphrase like, 'To catch a man, use the aroma of a little devil,' I tried a little sample, and yes, it was truly inviting. (^_^) It was an impulse buy. (^^;)

Everyone, definitely get yourself a good scent~ The smell posts are long in these parts. (^_^)

[ also, i'm wondering if he realizes the leanings of his fan base. i'm sure he's the kind of guy to intentionally egg us on. (^_^) --ok, you guys pass me SO by in the knowledge of perfumes. i can't believe one of you even identified it from the bottle alone. (^_^)

--edit: ok, well, i took the "Satan" out of there and put in "devil." as much as i like the Satan, it wasn't the same kanji he uses to refer to Gaku, it was the one used in the next sentence for devil. the other option was better for my imagination, though... ]


雪の華 said...

LOL I agree with him that men perfumes smell nasty >.< I HATE it when a guy walks past by me with that strong smelling odour that's like worse than sweat ;_; *cough**cough* *can't breathe"

Anonymous said...

Im sorry... but Im a HUGE You-chan (stalker) fan... so I know exactly what that is... Goruche... he's talking about Gaultier, (Jean Paul Gaultier) which is the manufacturer of that purfume in the lady bottle.

Anonymous said...

Goruche is probably referring to Gaultier which is the designer of that Lady Bottle... I spend a lot of time in Sephora's *blush*

Anonymous said...

hmm.. Gloche? <.< what was he trying to say, i wonder....
the bottle in the pic is definitely one of the Jean Paul Gaultier perfumes though... i still remember that brand's perfume tends to be quite strong.....

Anonymous said...

Wait, is he saying he's using women's perfume to catch men? XD And the reference to 'Satan' is to the perfume and not Gackt this time, right?

Ally said...

I could have pointed it out as Gaultier by the bottle as well. Haha xD; We're all losers here. In specific, that's the lady's perfume. Not the lady's cologne. I like Gaultier scents. =3

I wonder if he ever realise how... amazingly girly he sounds.

meredeth said...

he is indeed saying he wears women's perfume, although whether he's trying to catch himself a Satan is anyone's guess. the catchphrase about using a little devil i believe is the tag line for the gaultier stuff. also, Ally, he really does sound pretty girly, huh? ah well, what a shame for my imagination... (^_^)

Ally said...

You know, reading the who 'catch a Satan' thing just makes me facepalm when I remember him refering to Gackt as 'maou'.

I have no words.

Anonymous said...

LOL..after reading your comments and You's blog i can't comment...>_<