13 January 2008

[550] Cold... - 2008/01/14 (Mon)

It is rediculously cold... But I put my fighting spirit on and went out for the usual shrine visit.

Under the worst kind of cold weather, rain, snow, sleet, I endured all the way to the first visit to Ooshuure... *

It was seriously cold... Man, seriously. And me with no umbrella...

For the leftover cold, I had a whole isshou of hot sake today. (^^;) Around midday, I sucked down a cup from the tea house around the side of the shrine. (^_^)

Well, it doesn't really matter how much I drank, with all the cold, it'd snap me right out of it. (bwahahah) Plus, when I got home, I took a day trip to the hot springs. (^_^) After all, standing out in that cold, went to my hips.

All of my lower back pain comrades (^_^) let's take care of ourselves this season.

Well then well then, in closing, thanks to Igao-san for giving me a ride. And let's have a drink of hot sake.

P.S. The morning came quick, so without me noticing, there was no hangover...

[ * or maybe daijibure? daishuure? i couldn't find this place online anywhere. ]

1 comment:

Ally said...

