31 January 2008

[563] And again - 2008/01/30 (Wed)

I made a potful. (^^;)

It's been simmering since about midnight yesterday, so I feel good that all the ingredients have melted. It doesn't look very tasty, though. (^_^)

Actually, I put in a few whole tomatos, and the taste was strong, so when they melted, I uped the volume. (^_^)

At first, it was overflowing the pot, so I finished it up with only two cups of roux. (^_^)

Also, it wasn't spicy enough, so I put it a big cupful of whole dried cayenne peppers, and it turned into a beautiful hell curry. (^_^)

This is desert curry!! Maaan, it was as spicy as I thought it would be... (bwahahah)

P.S. If you think about how much I've been sweating it out with Billy, it's been like spring. It's no wonder I was thinking hot.

But, if possible, I'd like a little more winter please. (^_^)

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