01 September 2007

[454] Completely - 2007/08/31 (Fri)

Crashed. (^^;) Billy seems to work for hangovers. (^_^)

Man, my back hurt, and I tried giving Billy a rest for a while, but surprisingly, I can follow the Commander with no change from before.

It was that heat wave we had until the other day that was intense... The rays of the sun were more harsh than the Commander. (^_^) *

Seriously, if you were out for just a little bit, you'd start tottering. Just walking around could have been some kind of training.

So, after Billy yesterday, of course I was sweating buckets after all that excersice, so I was thinking, its been so long since I went out for some Ramen, but despite the fact that I was absurdly hungry, I didn't end up eating anything. (>_<)

Even though the chinese-style fried rice ramen is usually an easy task, even one cup of ramen seemed difficult. (^^;)

Somehow, since I've been eating nothing but soba and soumen,
my stomach seems to have gotten smaller... On the one hand, I'm happy, but as a Food Fighter, it's a sad thing. (^_^)

Well, we'll just call it preperation for the autumn appetite. (^_^)

Well then well then, it's friday, so be careful of over-drinking (^_^) and have a nice time.

[ * he says that the sunlight was literally more "Sparta" than the commander. i may have to start using that now. also, sorry for the tardiness. i had to ressurect my desktop from the grave for work purposes. Visited With the Justice of The Church is doing well, thank you. (^_^) ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! *reads carefully* I used a translation program on my compy to figure out the main point of whathe was saying, but I'd much rather read your translations. You're so awesome for translating them. Even if you're late every now and then, you always get em up =^.^=