16 September 2007

[470] Virtual Mountain Climbing - 2007/09/17(Mon)

Sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. (^_^)

Um..., for me it was quite intense, but my friend climbed it the other day, and said, 'That was an easy victory, huh.' (^^;)

Even in the face of the cold and the fatigue, it seems he couldn't get enough of nature. (^_^)

Maan, in my case, of course I was struck down by altitude sickness... I heard it's also called 'Mountain Drunkenness' but really, for the average hangover, my head is pounding.

If I can, I want to have an enjoyable climb, too, next time. (bwahahah)

First, I'll clear other mountain trails, and some day I'd like to climb from the 0 mark and make a complete Fuji conquest. (^_^)

Speaking of... after I climbed down, I totally thought, 'Climbing Mt Fuji a second time? You'd have to be an idiot!!' but even while I was thinking that, I did want to climb it again. (bwahahah)

Virtual mountain climbers and actual mountain climbers, yikes, that takes a lot of work.

I've recovered my physical strength, so it's time to relax!!

P.S. A heat wave again, huh... Plus, is the whole town at a festival? Even when I was climbing Mt Fuji, there was a wave of people. (bwahahah)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I do hope taht You-san can make it up there a seconds time! *claps for You*