19 June 2007

[388] Let's share (^_^) - 2007/06/19 (Tue)

I got it from a fan at the airport when I came back.

At first, I was like, Jaga Pokkuru? What is it? (^^;) *
I was a little lost at sea,
but I pressed onward (^_^) and, 'These, they're delicious! I'll definitely take these!!'
So I took them quite gratefully.

Well, these 'Jaga Pokkuru' seem to be pretty famous these days.
The must buy Hokkaido souvenir, I guess.
As far as I'm concerned, Hokkaido means 'White Lovers' or 'Butter Sand'
are the representative souvenirs, but those'll continue with vigor. **

Certainly, this is 'There's no end, I can't stop' tasty. (^_^)
Potato chips, well, I can't help it if I just love them. (^_^)

From now on, when I go to Hokkaido, I'll buy some without fail.
Everyone, if you get the chance, you should definitely try them.

P.S. If at all possible, I wanted a tour and a stay like this...
The next season better be a nice one...

[ * it is, in fact, some kind of potato snack. wikipedia japan tells us that it is a stick of fried, seasoned, and baked potato. it sounds good, i think i've got to have some.
 ** While Lover is a brand of candy and sweets produced in Hokkaido based in Sapporo, and Butter Sand is a Obihiroshi-based confectionary maker. ]

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