25 July 2007

[421] Useless Effort Part 2 - 2007/07/26 (Thu)

Everybody seems to have enjoyed the Brain-Insides Maker. (^_^)

Today, I discovered yet another thing I don't need at the convenience store...
Black Oolong tea, Funwari Meijin, and now, this 'Analysis Tea.'

Man, with a name like that, it's got to be exciting, right? (^_^)
It's analysis, analysis!! (^_^)
Your interest in what the heck it's analysing just boils over, doesn't it?
Plus, when I looked at the ingredients, it's got Oolong tea, Tochuu tea, and turmeric tea in it.
I had high hopes after looking at that list. (^_^)

I drink, and I worry about flab, and I like fatty foods,
so as a person who is taking steps towards a metabolism with no mistakes,
the ingredients make me believe I have no choice but to drink this. (^_^)

Before, with black Oolong tea, I drank it, and then relaxed, and overate,
so this time, I will be careful. (^^;)
Also because I've been doing nothing but eating out lately...
If my body weight goes up too much, I won't be able to catch up with Billy. (^^;)

So, in order to become thin, I'll have to cook for myself...
Lately, I've retired the staple white rice in favor of brown rice.
It's a long-awaited change, but if I keep eating out, I'll never see the benefits.

I was thinking, By summer!!
If I could be thin by summertime, it'd be awesome... so. (^^;)

I'll have to have a presentable body by the next dance event though. (^_^)
Aah, seriously, how did this stomach happen... I guess I was born with it. (bwahahah)

P.S. Incidentally, are you continuing with Billy? My physical strength was doing quite well.
But somehow my stomach was coming along nicely too. (bwahahah)

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