07 June 2006

[1] To Begin - 2006/05/27 (Sat)

If I remember, it's been about a year since I mentioned starting up a homepage...
At last it's OPEN.

First of all, I'd like to thank the staff for creating this place,
and for putting up with me.

Also, the many words of congratulations from everyone have really touched my heart.

"Thank you."

It's not a word I use a lot, but right now I am filled with this word.

After this, this homepage will be the place where I give back to everyone.
I hope that a place like that will please everyone.

Pardon my rudenss, but please come back often.
I'll keep at it and update this diary... (^_^)

[notes: for a while, the dates'll be off, coz i'm working off a back-log, but eventually i should be able to put the posts up w/in 24 hours of YOU actually writing them. also, the pics are of course copied from YOU's site, so probably i'm infringing on poor YOU-kun's copyright, but hopefully he won't mind. (^_^) as he would say.]

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