29 June 2006


ok, four posts in one day, but only one of them is actually my own words, so i'm feeling okay about that...

nanto! as YOU would say. Wait! you mean, she's actually caught up? you mean, YOU wrote that PSElements post on thursday and meredeth has her translation up on... on thursday!? it's almost TOO MUCH TO TAKE!

... i know. it feels somehow... wrong. course, we've got the holiday coming up [i am referring of course to Gaku-chan's b-day, although i get the feeling that there's some other thing going on in america this weekend, too. i mean, the whole country wouldn't celebrate his b-day like i would, now would they? (^_^) ] so probably i'm gonna be off shopping w/ my
[ancient slang alert!] bro-ham, or rushing off to pick up my new spectacles or some such worthless thing, so probably i'll be back to my normal back-logged self by the time i'm done celebrating, but WHATEVER! for right now? i'm caught up. and i think that means i deserve a present. ... wonder what i want? a new japanese dictionary? some verb conjugation drills? some extra nap time? but i like ALL THREE!

her brains? have melted.

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