15 April 2007

[321] The stray cats of Tokyo - 2007/04/16 (Mon)

There are a lot of stray cats in Tokyo, aren't there.
Partly because there are so many people, and so much trash,
there ends up to be plenty of food, I guess.

It's great for blogs and stuff,
but people who take stray-cat-themed photos
must just stumble upon them.

I, too, went out in search of a shutter chance
a while back,
but they proved elusive once again,
and I was unable to take any shots at all.

Plus, I didn't have my zoom lens,
and as soon as I approached them, they fled...

So, when I accidentally got a shot,
I was extremely happy.
Why is it always by chance...?

Wild cat-chans,
endure and be hardy in the megalopolis!

[note: yeah, that last phrase is translated a little loosely, but honestly, the literal translation sounds stupid, so there. also, that kitty? looks a lot like one of the cat-bags we've got at my house.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for translating all these entries!!!