24 April 2007

[332] Walking Friends - 2007/04/25 (Wed)

I discovered a magazine about them. (^_^)
It's not exactly for me now, I guess,
since I bought a bicycle. (^_^)

With this, I'll come out of my shut-in syndrome!!
I could get used to it, I should get used to it...
Yikes, can I really get used to it? (^_^)

It's finally spring,
so wandering around without a care is just fine.
Even in such a familiar town, maybe I'll discover something new.

This magazine, I should try and get ahold of back issues of it. (^_^)

P.S. Actually, I still haven't made my bike debut...
I assembled it, and now it adorns my room. (^^;) I'll have to go out and buy a light soon. (^_^)

[note: oh! i almost forgot! for those of you not on the YOU-kun BBS mailing list, Chimaera Crew sent out a little notice today that their "First DARTS Street Dance Contest ~Sapporo Edition~" will be held the 17th of June in Hokkaido, and that YOU-kun will be making a special appearance, and that tickets are on sale. if any of you lucky punks will be in hokkaido for the festivities and wish to attend, you can visit the Chimaera Crew's website
(http://www.chimaera-crew.com/) for information, while the rest of us wither away in our jealousy. (^_^) ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohh so that is what the mail was about. Thanks again.

*wishes she could go*
