04 May 2007

[342] Summer Weather - 2007/05/05 (Sat)

Yikes yikes, it's really hot, isn't it.
Just a thin t-shirt in the daytime.
It's like, Hm? Where's spring? you know. (^_^)

It's exactly the climate for picnic season,
so let's all enjoy our holidays.

GW is already reaching it's final stages,
and i'm clattering along with some kind of rattling noise or other. (bwahahah)
I finally glanced at the TV, and it seems like
the whole country is doing serious business...

Aah... I should be out taking some quick 'Travel' shots...
Not sitting at home non-chalantly making chicken and eggs on rice! (hahahah)

Well, it was delicious, so it's okay, but still. (^_^)

People who leave for someplace, people who are leaving later,
it's been said many times, but have a nice trip until you get home~ (^_^)
Seriously, be careful of accidents, please.
Even I, when I ride my bicycle, am careful. (^_^)

Oop- today is Children's Day...
One day a year I can go back to being a kid...
Hm? Always, huh. (^_^)

P.S. I'll try and see the movies everyone recommended.

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