09 May 2007

[347] Black Oolong Tea - 2007/05/10 (Thu)

My latest craze. (^_^)
I used to drink Healthia. *
I like tea that has a bitter taste.
Plus, it's supposed to curb fat absorption,
so it's two birds with one stone. (^_^)

As for me, I was raised on tea from a small tea pot, (^_^)
so there was never much attraction to
these teas that come out of plastic bottles.
This one is quite attractive, though, so it's okay.

For the time being, it's on for live testing, (^_^)
so I splurged and bought a case,
and I'm going to drink it with every meal.
I'll record the effects in this diary.

P.S. The first ten days of May have been like midsummer...
It feels like I'm in a bar fight with the sun. (^_^)
Seriously, I'm melting...

[ * literally, herushia, and the website didn't have any "fad" english logo, but i think they're trying to call that "healthy" to mind, seeing as it's a health drink. it's got some bizarre chemical i've never heard of before in it. catechin? something. p.s. sorry for being late with yesterday's. my camera broke and i had a momentary lapse in sanity. ]

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