15 May 2007

[353] After all that - 2007/05/16 (Wed)

I didn't go straight to bed. (^^;)
I had stuf to do in the afternoon, so.
Then I went to touch the machines for just a little bit before bed,
and before I noticed, it was morning. (^_^)

So, sure enough, I slept in late,
but by some accident the other person was late, too,
so somehow I was saved . (^_^)

In the evening, I went to have lunch with a musician friend of mine
I haven't seen in a while, and again, we touched off all kinds of things before I went home.

I have a premonition that I'll be staying inside more and more. (^_^)
My body's ready for a twenty-six hour nap...
I haven't slept for about three days, and my concentration's been going,
so of course, I should be knocked out.

Can someone develop for me some 'Insomnia Medication' ...
Mm, how about some 'Flab Medication' (^_^)

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