02 May 2007

Join the Army...

... of screaming YOU-kun fans. we carry daikon plushies rather than guns. although we might kill for a Platinum Box.

... okay, your faithful translator is up a little early this morning, and it's starting to show. she did, however, manage to work through the YOU BBS pages. well, two of them. the BBS top page, which explains a little about the BBS system, and the Join Here page, where you may actually be required to know some kanji in order to put the proper things in their proper boxes. however, because not everyone has the time, patience, and/or freakishly high Geek levels necessary to learn Japanese, you will find below translations of the pages in question. why would you want to join a BBS in a language which you do not speak? well, for starters, it's required for entering his photo contests. also, i've noticed an increasing number of people leaving messages on his BBS in languages other than Japanese. languages such as spanish. or possibly portuguese, i always get those two confused. anyway, i know he likes messages in any language, and i suppose if he really wants to know what you've said, he can always ask Gaku.

5/17 edit a few of you have written to say that you're having trouble receiving your password email, and could i please translate the other bits of the BBS registration page. well of course i can! here's the "concerning password emails" or whatever i called it. it's basically just the standard stuff, make sure it didn't get caught in your spam filter, etc etc, but there it is.

once they actually get the email, nobody seems to be having trouble logging in, but if you suddenly do, let me know and i'll translate the FAQ too. let me know if you need anything else~


Anonymous said...


thanks soooo much for all the translations, and also for YOU's BBS thingahmahjig *jumps on you <333*

now that I'm in, I don't know how get out ^^;

meredeth said...

no, i'm pretty sure YOU-kun is an addiction. maybe he puts subliminal crack in his posts or something... hrm...

Anonymous said...

haha..my nad..I meant now that I'm logged in, I don't know how to log out XD

Anonymous said...

<333 Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! It helped a lot! :D



Anonymous said...

I have a question.
After I have filled the name and e-mail and nickname form out will I get the password for membership If I am accepted by e-mail?


meredeth said...

goodness it's been so long since i registered. i'm pretty sure they do send you a password by email though.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for bothering again but could you some day translate the "concerning the issuing of passwords by e-mail" and "Questions about registration and login" page. (saw them on your translated photo of yous page in how to register)

My registration has become lost again. It's the second time already.

While I do get sometimes e-mails from You-sans official webpage. Like today I think two mails about the photo contest (I think two because of my two different attempts of creating an account) I still haven't gotten any mail about my password so I can't log in *wails in misery*

And I don't want to try a third time so there would be three accounts with my name and e-mail, It would feel kind of exessive.

I am hoping the "concerning the issuing of passwords by e-mail" and "Questions about registration and login" pages from his page could help me solve the problem and finally tell my how I can get my password.

*sniff* I so want to join the photo contest but since not a member yet despite all my attempts, no go.

Still. Thank you for all the hard work you do. I loved the latest entry about Satan *g*

I can so imagine You and Gackt having a lot of fun together.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh thank you for the help. I sent the e-mail and got my password with it and it worked. I got to log in!!! Yay!!!!

I have a couple of more questions. I feel so bad about bugging you all the time. I promise these will be the last.

Lol now that I have logged in, the place I get to, is it a forum where one can send You e-mails? Atleast it looks so. Cool either way. I doubt I'll send anything since I don't speak or write Japanese but still cool. Ohh I did notice Masa's name popping out in a couple of letters in there. Cool that there is still talk about him even though he has left Gackt Job.

Now the other is a request. When I sent my password request mail to them, they wrote something in Japanese back to me.

Could you be kind enough to tell me what they wrote? I am very curious.

Tough I think it is something boring or lol damn it ganjin woman write in JAPANESE not in English! *giggle* Tough I doubt it is that either.

Here are the lines:




And then later in another place these lines:

これからも YOU official web site をよろしくお願い致します。

You official web site

Again thank you thank you thank you for translating You's journal and helping me to create my own account with your instructions. Thank you.


meredeth said...

no problem at all. here we go:

"YOU homepage BBS membership registration notice

We have issued you a guest password.

Details of registration"

and then:

"You have been registered with the above (as in the above info, i'm guessing). Please continue to enjoy the YOU official web site."

so there you are, "gaijin woman." (^_^) i think that should be your official title now. like you're the only foreign lady in existance. (^_^)

let me know if there's anything else~

Anonymous said...

hehe...thank you for your help...as it seems I figured out everything I should...now I am little bit confused how exactly to write a message.Do you think that would be possible for you to copy the page of the message and post it here with titles or should I send you those words somewhere?I really do not want to bother you but do not want to look there as an idiot eiter...LOL
Domo arigato :-)