28 February 2007

[253] I made too much... - 2007/01/26 (Fri)

I tried making something
with the leftover ingrediants from yesterday's unohana.

Later, I'll be away from home for a while,
so when I clean out my refridgerator,
if I can use them all up, it'll be an amazing amount of stuff. (^^;)

If I do that, I'll can get the rest in the freezer, and I can eat that when I get back. (^_^)

Today, it was hot and salty konnyaku, finely chopped burdock,
cooked cabbage in tomato sauce, stir-fried doubanjan pork, *
and of course, yesterday's unohana. (^_^)

I ate the first pork in a long time in order to gain stamina.
Immediately my stomach swelled up with the meat.
Well, with this, I'll have to try harder!!

Well, starting tomorrow, I'll be away from home for a while,
so the menus will take a break. (^_^)

Well then, if it becomes some kind of incident-filled journey, (^_^)
I'll make a report when I get back, so have fun.

[ *
doubanjan is a spice used in chinese cooking made from red peppers and broad beans.]

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